Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 8: Thing #18 Zoho Writer

I thought I would share the Digital Storytelling Planning sheet I created for our after-school Digital Storytelling club. I decided to try sharing the document through Zoho Writer's blog posting feature. After signing-up and reading the Zoho benefits page, I imported my document and played with the formatting. When I posted it to my blog, the document was WAY TOO BIG so I changed the font size to 8 pt and imported the document again. It's still a bit too long, but was a good exercise in exploring and playing with Zoho's tools. I decided to publish this document so that it would create a permanent URL accessible to anyone. By clicking on the link at the beginning of this post, you can access the document. I also explored the 50 different templates they have available for folks to use. These templates were not as exciting as some of the other Web 2.0 tools we've looked at in this class, but definitely have a practical use!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lori

    I have to admit that I haven't done much with ZOHO.... mostly because I use so many other google aps that I am using googledocs which is very similar. I know that there are some things that are more robust in ZOHO but I have been able to do everything I need to do on google so far. However, whatever service you use, the ability to share and edit as well as access your docs no matter what computer you are on is becoming more critical for our students. I know that for some of ours, they work on PC at home, use a mac at school and have to print from their parent's or a friend computer. These hosting services allow them to avoid the cross platform, docx and other problems that entails.
